On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the glorious revolution, Al Wadi University organizes a sports tournament in football between colleges

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On the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the glorious revolution, Al Wadi University organizes a sports tournament in football between colleges

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities organized today, November 11, 2024, the activities of the sports tournament in football between colleges organized on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of our glorious revolution and in coordination with the Wilaya League of University Sports.

The Vice President for External Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad, gave the signal to start the sports tournament on behalf of the University President.

In his speech, the Vice President of the University praised the sports activity, which is part of the integration of university life, and through it we create a space for our students for permanent activity through which we achieve the advancement of university life that distinguishes our university at all levels.

 The opening match brought together the teams of the Faculty of Arts and Languages and the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, the Secretaries-General of the faculties, the President of the State University Sports Association, and the heads of the activities departments in the faculties.

The result of the match was in favor of the College of Natural and Life Sciences team against the College of Arts and Languages team, with a score of four goals to two (4-2).

The meeting was marked by high sportsmanship.

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