The University of the Valley held a training meeting in Setif 1 to prepare the sector’s budget according to the new approach

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The University of the Valley held a training meeting in Setif 1 to prepare the sector’s budget according to the new approach

The University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - represented by the University Rector, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, the Vice-Rectors, the deans of the faculties, the Secretary-General, the branch directors of the university, the general secretaries of the faculties, and the sub-director of budget and means, participated in a training meeting at Farhat Abbas Setif University - 1 - under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. Higher education and scientific research, which chose the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar as a model university, along with five other similar universities, to prepare the sector’s budget according to the new approach based on programs and objectives. The meeting with the University of the Valley was attended by the Universities of Setif 1, Setif 2, and the Higher Normal School of Setif.

The meeting was framed by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Mohamed Al-Sharif Saba, and in the presence of the Chairman of the Regional Symposium for Eastern Universities, where the Inspector General gave a presentation.

It focused on explaining the new style of budget management in accordance with the sector’s strategy, as well as the gradual transformation of the budget system with objectives and all the controls that govern this new style within the framework of budgetary reform for the new budget project with objectives and the ministry’s strategy to work seriously on indicators, for which the higher education and scientific research sector was chosen as a model sector in This is a new model process. In this context, these universities were selected on the basis of the pilot project for the university budget in accordance with the new approach based on programs and objectives, in accordance with what was stipulated in Law No. 18-15 of September 2, 2018, relating to the amended and supplemented financial laws.

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