Training workshop on the IPPM23 International PhD Student Forum on Artificial Intelligence

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Training workshop on the IPPM23 International PhD Student Forum on Artificial Intelligence 
The University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued organized a training workshop on the IPPM23 International Forum for Doctoral Students on Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence. The training workshop was opened by the Vice-Rector of the University in charge of Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, in the presence of the Vice-Deans of the Faculties for Scientific Research and a group of professors and employees. The workshop was supervised by Professors Hema Abdelkader, Laouid Abdelkader, and Attia Abdelmalek. This training session targeted the supervisors of this international forum at the level of all the university’s faculties.
The University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, attended some of the training workshop activities and offered his special thanks to the attendees and for this event, which all members of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar are proud of.
This workshop aims to train supervisors on the electronic platform that will manage this forum, as well as prepare the forum’s themes and train on digital dealing with the platform for the technical management of the forum by the scientific committees, and organize the rest of the activities scheduled for this huge forum that will be held on December 11-12-13, 2023. Such as exhibitions, the My Message in 180 Seconds competition, the Best Scientific Article Award in each college, and the Ideas Challenge Competition Award.
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