Artificial Intelligence in the Technical Environment A lecture by Dr. Murad Bouach at El Oued University

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Artificial Intelligence in the Technical Environment A lecture by Dr. Murad Bouach at El Oued University

On 05/09/2022, Dr. Nabigha Murad Bouash, Head of Research and Development at Intel Corporation in Silicon Valley, USA, gave a lecture entitled “Artificial Intelligence at the Heart of the Silicon Valley Technical Environment” in the Dr. Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall in front of a large gathering of students.
This scientific event was supervised by the University Director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, accompanied by the University Vice-Director in charge of External Relations, Professor Dr. Habib Kaddah, who gave a welcoming speech to the University’s guest.
During his speech, Dr. Murad Bouach spoke about an aspect of his academic life and how he moved from the University of Boumerdes to France and then to the United States of America. In his speech, he also urged the establishment of start-up institutions that would ensure the desired economic renaissance and ensure sustainable development in many different sectors, such as education, economy, agriculture and artificial intelligence. The lecturer focused in his speech on
On the field of artificial intelligence applications in the technical environment, and gave many examples that could be a path to be emulated by students, and gave many incentives, and talked about many projects that he is carrying out with many major companies in the field of computer science such as: Intel, Yahoo, Google. This lecture was an opportunity for students to ask their questions about the topic of artificial intelligence using the English language in the dialogue with the lecturer. Second party.  

▪︎CV and professional resume
Dr. Murad Bouach is a globally recognized scientific figure in digitization and artificial intelligence.
- PhD in Computer Science
He was born and raised in the coastal city of Cherchell, located in north-central Algeria. 
2003: State Engineer in Computer Science from the University of Boumerdes.
2006: Master's degree in Basic Computer Science, University of Boumerdes and University of Perpignan, France.
2010: PhD in Computer Processing Architecture, University of Perpignan, France.
2011: First post-doctoral research experience in IBM PowerPC microprocessor architecture.
2011: Second post-doctoral research experience in translations at the Intel Machine Translation Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois, USA.
2012: Third research experience in embedded systems software for BlackBerry Canada in a research lab at the University of Waterloo, Canada.
2012: Data Center Quality of Service Engineer for Yahoo! and Processor Quality of Service Team Leader for Silicon Valley, California
2015: Data Center Quality Officer for Yahoo! and Cloud Computing Engineer.
2017: Quality Performance Officer for OATH, an American company that brings together more than 50 media and internet companies in Silicon Valley, California, USA.
2019: Head of Quality Mechanisms, AI Devices and 5G R&D Lab for Verizon Communications USA.
2021: Research and Development Officer for the Intel AI Academy in Silicon Valley, USA.
2016-2018: President of the Algerian American Association of Northern California for the Algerian Community AAA-NC.ORG Which was chosen as the best Algerian association in America for the year 2017.
- Researcher and lecturer at many Algerian, French and American universities.
Publisher of many scientific articles in the field of computer science, processor environment and artificial intelligence.
- Owner of the MOUBACHIR SILICON VALLEY channel with 60 thousand subscribers
- Owner of the startup project that has obtained the Algeria.AI Innovative Project Label for Artificial Intelligence projects
– Co-founder of Limitless Learning for education and distance learning. 

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