The College of Law and Political Science honors its students participating in the National Future Lawyers Competition.

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The College of Law and Political Science honors its students participating in the National Future Lawyers Competition.


This morning, Thursday, June 1, 2023, at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, in coordination with the General Secretariat of the University and the Sub-Directorate of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities, the students participating in the embodiment of the virtual trial within the national university competition, Lawyers of the Future, were honored. The opening ceremony was supervised by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Al-Maki Draji, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the University, the representative of the Regional Organization of Lawyers, the Sub-Director of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities, the Director of the Competition, Dr. Lazhar Labidi, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the Media and Communication Officer at the University, and the administrative and pedagogical staff of the Faculty.
The Dean opened the ceremony with a word of thanks and gratitude to the students who excelled in embodying the roles assigned to them within the framework of the virtual trial. He also praised the role of everyone who contributed to organizing the national competition and the staff in charge of it. The Secretary-General of the University also praised this achievement made by the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar and the students of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, considering it an unprecedented achievement thanks to the cooperation of the entire team and the directives of the University Director and the Dean of the Faculty to highlight the students’ talents in the field of judicial pleadings and to shed light on the importance of justice and the field of freedoms, human rights, the constitution and the articles of the law, which makes the university student live and obtain in advance a close picture of the reality of trials and pleadings through his practice of virtual pleadings.
The ceremony concluded with the distribution of certificates of honor and prizes to the students and participants in the competition.






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