University of El Oued and the Wilaya People's Council propose an award for the best university research on local development

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University of El Oued and the Wilaya People's Council propose an award for the best university research on local development
Two high-level committees from the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar and the Wilaya People's Council of El Oued proposed the creation of an incentive award for the best university research that meets the requirements of local development.
In an official meeting held on 2022.06.20 at the headquarters of the Wilaya People's Council, which included the head of the delegation of the university committee for the award, Mr. Vice-Rector of the University for External Relations, accompanied by the deans of the faculties of natural and life sciences and exact sciences on the one hand, and Mr. President of the Wilaya Council Hassani Azzedine and his deputies and the head of the Education Committee and its members on the other hand, the two parties in this meeting, which falls within the framework of the university's openness to its social, economic and political environment, discussed the importance of launching an annual incentive award for students for the best scientific or technical research that responds to the requirements of local development and is likely to contribute to overcoming some challenges and solving a number of development problems raised at the local level. 
The Vice-Rector of the University in charge of External Relations confirmed to the “University Website” that the meeting of the delegations of the University and the Wilaya People’s Council was a good opportunity to launch this important incentive award. Proposals were also made to involve university professors and experts in the various committees of the Council to discuss issues related to development and the development of areas of excellence within the Wilaya of El Oued, in addition to addressing educational and social issues and exploring ways to address and address them within the framework of student graduation projects. The Vice-Rector of the University for External Relations took advantage of the meeting to present a presentation on the university’s forward-looking vision regarding the establishment of research centers in the Wilaya, which requires the contribution of the administrations, local communities and the Wilaya Governor in finding headquarters to house these important research centers, including a research unit in portable systems affiliated with the Industrial Technologies Research Center, a research unit in smart agriculture affiliated with the Scientific and Technical Research Center (CERIST), a research unit in physicochemical analysis, and we expect to have other units if headquarters are available.
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