The Entrepreneurship House at El Oued University participates in the celebration of Independence and Youth Day through the “Entrepreneurship and Youth” event

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The Entrepreneurship House at El Oued University participates in the celebration of Independence and Youth Day through the “Entrepreneurship and Youth” event
The Entrepreneurship House at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued participated today, July 6, 2022, on the occasion of the celebration of Independence and Youth Day, in coordination with the Chamber of Traditional Industry and Crafts in El Oued and the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship, El Oued Agency.
This activity was held at the Mohammed Al-Amin Al-Amoudi Cultural Center and was opened by Mr. Mimi Alili, Director of the Chamber, welcoming the attendees and participants and recalling the symbolism of celebrating this anniversary, which is dear to the hearts of all Algerians.
Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Lawi, Director of the House of Entrepreneurship, addressed in his lecture entitled: “Entrepreneurial Thought and Youth: The Pillar of Building the New Algeria,” focusing on the challenges facing youth in different eras. Algerian youth have risen to the challenge of liberating the homeland from the enemy in the past and will rise to the challenge of building the state in the present through their contributions in the stage of building institutions and real projects.
Dr. Sakina Hamlawi addressed “Women’s Economic Progress” and how they can contribute to economic development through small and craft projects, referring to some statistics related to women’s contribution to entrepreneurship.
Dr. Reem Bin Issa also addressed “the contribution of women craftsmen to economic development” and how small crafts can stimulate the economy by covering the local market and then moving towards exporting, thus preserving hard currency and contributing to economic diversification.
Professor Mohamed Al-Saleh Shabl had addressed the new measures provided by the state in the framework of supporting young people with creative ideas, focusing on the experience of the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship and the various funding it provides in addition to incentives, accompaniment and facilities.
It is worth noting that this activity was under the slogan “Entrepreneurship and Youth” and witnessed honors for the lecturers, the Entrepreneurship House, as well as the trained craftswomen and the owners of the exhibitions accompanying the activity.
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