Honoring ceremony for the staff of the Faculty of Arts and Languages at Al Wadi University on the occasion of the successful organization of the 2023 PhD competition

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Honoring ceremony for the staff of the Faculty of Arts and Languages at Al Wadi University on the occasion of the successful organization of the 2023 PhD competition
Today, Tuesday, February 14, 2023, a ceremony was held to honor the employees of the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, hosted by the discussion hall of the faculty, on the occasion of the successful organization of the doctoral competition, English Department, for the year 2023 AD.
The ceremony was attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, the Vice-Rector of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, the Vice-Dean in charge of Post-Graduation, Scientific Research and External Relations, Professor Youssef Al-Ayeb, the Vice-Dean in charge of Studies and Student-Related Issues, Professor Nasr Dahda, the Secretary-General of the College, Abdelmalek Khalifa, the heads of the three departments and their deputies, the head of the doctoral training committee in the English Language Department, and all the employees of the college, security and prevention personnel, cleaning and maintenance workers.
In her speech, the Dean of the College praised the efforts made that led to the success of the competition. In turn, the Vice-Rector of the University, Professor Bashir Manaei, took this opportunity to congratulate the cadres and employees who worked hard to ensure the success of the competition. For his part, the Vice-Dean of the College, Professor Youssef Al-Ayeb, congratulated this success, which was contributed to by all the employees of the College - professors, administrators, security guards, cleaners and maintenance workers. The Vice-Dean of the College for Studies, Professor Nasr Dahda, also gave a speech in which he thanked all those who contributed to the success of this competition, which had a local and national resonance, as it was praised by participating students from inside and outside the state.
During this ceremony, the employees were honored and certificates of thanks and appreciation were given to them. In continuation of the honors, the Dean of the College received the cleaning and maintenance workers in her office in the evening, along with the Secretary-General of the College. She praised the efforts they made to make the competition a success, and she also gave them certificates of thanks and appreciation in honor of their great efforts.
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