600 distinguished students benefited from it. El Oued University organizes a training course to obtain a star certificate

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 600 distinguished students benefited from it. El Oued University organizes a training course to obtain a star certificate


Today, Monday, June 19, 2023, the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar took the initiative in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall to organize a training session for the benefit of 600 students representing the top students in their batches in all specializations in the university’s eight faculties.
The two-day training course was inaugurated by the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, in the presence of the Committee Coordinator, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, Vice President of the University for External Relations, the Committee Chairman, Dr. Faraj Abdul Hamid, and the Committee members, Professors Al-Dhahabi Ibrahim and Idris Salmi. 
 According to the head of the 5-star student certificate committee, this session falls within the framework of the scientific and pedagogical support for students nominated to obtain the 5-star student certificate, as this orientation and training meeting was held through the administrative and organizational structures of the university, represented by the House of Entrepreneurship, the Sub-Directorate of Cultural, Scientific and Sports Activities, and the activities services at the college level. 
According to him, this session is directed to the top students in the second year of the Master's degree at the level of all faculties and specializations, under the supervision of Professors Mufid Abdel Laoui, Director of the House of Entrepreneurship, and Latifa Bakoush, on the subject of self-employment and start-ups, to be followed by other activities of a social and solidarity nature, such as volunteer campaigns, with the aim of creating positive movement for students in various aspects of university life.

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