National University Chess Championship

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National University Chess Championship

On Monday morning, January 8, 2024, a delegation from the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued headed to the city of Constantine to participate in the national university chess event organized by the University of Constantine 3, the eighth edition, during the period from January 8 to 11, 2024.
In the presence of Mr. Zidane Bashir, the Sub-Director of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities of the University of El Oued, on behalf of the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati.
The participating students qualified after a local competition held at the Faculty of Arts and Languages in coordination with the Faculty of Exact Sciences, El Wadi.
Before the start, the sub-director of activities urged the need for honorable participation in this intellectual and sporting event and the success of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research’s efforts to advance university athletes to elite athletes.
Good luck to our students.





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