The Oued University City Program in tourism and cultural exchange for students from the South in the University City of Bejaia

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The Oued University City Program in tourism and cultural exchange for students from the South in the University City of Bejaia

Cultural and tourism exchangeFor students of the south
University City in El Oued delights the audience with a diverse cultural evening
The evening, which was organized yesterday, Tuesday, corresponding to July 18, 2023, witnessed a large public turnout from various states of the country to enjoy the various activities and distinguished shows of the delegation of the state of El Oued. 
The evening aims to introduce the culture and heritage of the region, hosted by the creative duo “Salma Boudiyar” and “Abdullah bin Ali”.
The celebration included an intervention by the student and researcher in the history of Souf, Mr. “Mohamed Al-Saleh Bin Ali”, to introduce the history and culture of Souf, and an English translation by the brilliant student “Ahmed Qada”, followed by a wonderful opera that embodies the customs and traditions of the region entitled “Ghroud Alia”, then authentic folk poetry performed by the distinguished student “Abdelkarim Balaid”, then a wonderful comedy play entitled “Al-Mukhlis”, to conclude the evening with an artistic melody animated by the creative student “Hisham Bin Jeddou”. 
The evening witnessed great interaction from the audience with the various shows and distinguished performances.



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