The Valley Judicial Council organizes a study day on combating crimes committed on the occasion of the final exams for intermediate and baccalaureate education at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar.

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The Valley Judicial Council organizes a study day on combating crimes committed on the occasion of the final exams for intermediate and baccalaureate education at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar.
Today, May 29, 2023, the El Oued Judicial Council organized, in the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, a study day on combating crimes committed on the occasion of the final exams for middle school and baccalaureate education, in the presence of the representative of the governor of the state, the Secretary-General of the state, the Vice-President of the El Oued Judicial Council, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, the civil and military authorities of the state, the Director of Education, the Head of the El Oued District, the judiciary family, the revolutionary family, education cadres, and university cadres, including the Vice-Directors, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and the media family.
Mr. Ali Rabah, the Secretary General of the State, opened the event, welcoming the attendees and thanking those in charge of this event, the judiciary family, the university and educational family, for the great importance of combating the phenomenon of academic cheating in its various forms with the development of communication methods. He pointed out the keenness of the state governor on all organizational conditions and that it takes place in good conditions. He also called on everyone to contribute to combating the phenomenon, wishing success for this study day. Mr. University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, offered a special welcome to the attendees, thanking the judiciary family for the positive role and its effective awareness meetings and this important awareness role played by the judiciary family and its tasks in protecting the individual, society, institutions and the state. He also extended his sincere thanks to all the security services, the revolutionary family, the education family and the heads of the centers for their constant keenness and follow-up of all results, headed by Mr. Governor of the State. He wished this event to provide an addition to combating the phenomenon of cheating. The Vice President of the Council, Mr. Darki Jamal al-Din, intervened with a speech, referring to the phenomenon and ways to address it according to all laws, seeking to conduct the exams in complete comfort, wishing all success and prosperity to our students.
The Attorney General, Mr. Morabet Belkhair, gave a speech with the aim of reducing this negative phenomenon that has been prominent in recent years, thanking the University President for hosting this event and his constant support.
The event included several interventions, the first titled “Different forms of cheating in exams” by Captain Thamer Yassin, the second “Methods used in cheating” by Chief Police Officer Zoubia Hamza, the third titled “Criminal penalties for exam cheating crimes” by Mr. Zoumali Nourredine, Public Prosecutor at the El Oued Court, and the fourth titled “Administrative penalties for exam cheating crimes” by Mr. Farady Al-Foudhil, Secretary General of the El Oued Education Directorate.




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