Mr. Wali of El Oued State announces the conclusion of the 2021-2022 academic year for El Oued University 

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Mr. Wali of El Oued State announces the conclusion of the 2021-2022 academic year for El Oued University 

Today, 06/30/2022, the Wali of El Oued announced the conclusion of the 2021-2022 university pedagogical season at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in a distinguished celebration hosted by the Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah Grand Lecture Hall in the presence of local authorities, headed by the Wali of the state, as well as the revolutionary and labor family, the administrative and pedagogical staff of the university, and large crowds of male and female students.

In his welcoming speech to the university guests, professors and students, the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, praised the efforts made by the state to develop the Algerian university, especially the University of El Oued, noting the unlimited support of the governor of the state and the president of the state people's council to advance the university and its scientific and pedagogical level, especially with the progressive development of the university and the increase in the number of its students every year, which reached more than 28 thousand students, including more than 16 thousand students in the first phase of training for the bachelor's degree, about 12 thousand students in the second phase of training for the master's degree, and 1075 students in the third phase of training for the doctorate, the latest of which was the last doctoral competition that allowed the entry of 259 new doctoral students in various specializations.

The University President noted the remarkable scientific victory recently recorded by the University in the National Scientific Week in Setif, where El Oued University won the first three places in three axes of the competition, as well as El Oued University registering 28 patents officially registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property, and the number of academic journals reaching 35, including 26 classified as “C” awaiting promotion to a higher level. In his speech, the Director also touched on the field of the University’s external relations, where it registered about 75 joint agreements with several local and national sectors, including more than 20 international agreements, in addition to choosing El Oued University as a model university with six other universities to implement the government’s program in the field of new budgetary reform based on objectives and programs. The University President also indicated that the upcoming academic year will witness a qualitative leap through the launch of several achievement and equipment projects for the benefit of students and scientific research.

The closing ceremony included singing performances by the singer Aseel Jaber. Many outstanding students in the colleges were also honored, including those with high aspirations, who passed in front of the honoring platform under the applause and encouragement of the audience and a distinguished presentation by the activator Ahmed Qada.

In his speech announcing the conclusion of the 2021-2022 academic year, the governor of the state, Abdelkader Raqi, praised the efforts made and the positive results achieved on more than one level at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar. He stressed that this remarkable development at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar “is backed by honest men who are devoted to the homeland and to serving the Algerian university.”

The governor of the state stressed that “the state policy, instructions and directives that the President of the Republic has been constantly issuing towards developing the Algerian university and emphasizing the quality of education and encouraging scientific research and innovations have not stopped - as he said - from bearing the desired fruits, day after day, and he said, “Here is the university that has become open to its economic and social environment, putting its capabilities and competencies at the service of development and finding appropriate solutions to many of the challenges posed.”

Amidst the atmosphere of joy for the successes, honors and applause of the attendees, the governor of the state expressed his great happiness and gratitude for being among the university family of professors, students, employees and workers, saying, “It is a source of pride and honor to participate with you today in the closing ceremony of the university season in the atmosphere of the celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of Independence Day and Youth Day.” On this occasion, he noted “the youth segment to which the state, headed by the President of the Republic, has given the utmost importance through the installation of members of the Supreme Council for Youth, the majority of which is made up - as he said - of graduates of the Algerian University, including “a student from the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, which gives the Algerian University a new strategic dimension.”

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