The Vice-Rector for Training and Scientific Research holds a coordination meeting with the post-graduate vice-deans.

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The Vice-Rector for Training and Scientific Research holds a coordination meeting with the post-graduate vice-deans.
Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour, Vice-Rector of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued, in charge of higher education, scientific research and university qualification, held a coordination meeting that included the Vice-Deans of the Post-Graduate Faculties and the Institute of Islamic Sciences, in addition to the Head of the Post-Graduate Training and University Qualification Service at the Directorate. The meeting discussed the process of training in the third phase of LMD, the administrative and scientific registration of doctoral students and various special cases.
The meeting also discussed the new PRF4 university training research projects for the year 2023, where Mr. Deputy Director, Professor Dr. Boubaker Mansour, explained the procedures related to opening new projects and how to integrate doctoral students linked to doctoral projects for the next academic year.
The Vice-Deans also discussed the issue of registering doctoral students for the 2021/2022 batch on the Scientific Research and Training Projects Platform in preparation for their integration into the approved research teams, as well as the issue of updating professors’ ranks on this platform.
The attendees also agreed to reorganize the discussion procedures administratively to give the administration’s staff enough time to study the files presented to them. The attendees agreed to unify the Scientific Council’s extract related to the registration of doctoral students so that it would be clearer.
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