Announcement of organizing a course to conduct professional competitions and exams (reminder)

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Announcement of organizing a course to conduct professional competitions and exams (reminder)

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar El Oued

Exam center


About organizing a course to conduct professional competitions and exams (reminder)

      The Examination Center at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar announces the organization of a course to conduct professional competitions and examinations for the benefit of various public administrations and institutions.

 To join the following ranks: Advisor Manager, Chief Administrator, Administrator, Analyst Administrator, Assistant Administrator, Chief Administrative Attaché, State Engineer in Computer Science, Chief Engineer in Computer Science, Chief Engineer in Computer Science, Assistant Engineer Level 1 and 2 in Computer Science, Assistant Engineer Level 1 and 2 in Statistics, State Engineer in University Laboratories, University Laboratories Attaché.

Administrations wishing to conduct these exams should approach the university’s examination center, attaching an application specifying the ranks for which the exam is to be conducted.

Accordingly, the date for the competition session was set as follows:

- Second session: October 27/28, 2023. The last date for receiving files is October 15, 2023.

File components:

- Request to participate in the competition.

- Decision to open the recruitment competition.

- Approval of the public service interests.

- Technical Committee Minutes (on CD).

- The nominal list of candidates.

- Financial positions distribution table.

- Announcing the competition.

–      Download the agreement from the university website.                                              

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