Establishing thematic networks at the level of university institutions and research centers

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Establishing thematic networks at the level of university institutions and research centers

Today, Wednesday, April 19, the deputies of the Rector of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar - El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, and the deputy deans of postgraduate studies attended a meeting via remote lecture technology organized by the Regional Symposium for the East. The session was chaired by Professor Mohamed Al-Hadi Latrash. He touched on the main topic related to establishing thematic networks at the level of university institutions and research centers in many specializations, such as artificial intelligence and smart agriculture.
Renewable energies within the framework of sustainable development and poles of excellence.
The meeting also touched on the national sessions scheduled to be held within the framework of higher training reform, scientific research, innovation, visual governance, the living framework for students, and the university map.



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