Conducting an assessment test for the English language level of doctoral students at the University of the Valley

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Conducting an assessment test for the English language level of doctoral students at the University of the Valley

Within the framework of the third-year training for first-year doctoral students, today, April 26, 2023, the Office of the Directorate in charge of training and scientific research at the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar organized an assessment test on the level of the English language for first-year doctoral students, numbering 78 students, under the supervision of the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, and in the presence of Dr. Al-Ayeb Youssef, on behalf of the Deputy Rector of the University in charge of scientific research, Professor Boubacar Mansour, Dr. Mohamed Shoshani, Dr. Mustafawi Ammar, Director of the Center for Intensive Language Education, Professor Mustafa Mansour, a member of the doctoral follow-up cell in the educational scale, and Dr. Hema Abdel Qader, a member of the doctoral follow-up cell in the technology and communication scale, and the composed professor. Manai Shaima. The training took place in the Internet hall of the Central Library, and the evaluation test witnessed a large attendance of the trainees.





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