A press release, a summary of the activities of the national forum and the recommendations of its workshops, formed the topic of a national forum at the University of El Oued, the Algerian university, facing current and future challenges.

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A press release, a summary of the activities of the national forum and the recommendations of its workshops, formed the topic of a national forum at the University of El Oued
The Algerian University faces current and future challenges
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Martyr Hama Lakhdar University - El Oued -
Central Media and Communication Cell
A press release, a summary of the activities of the national forum and the recommendations of its workshops, formed the topic of a national forum at the University of El Oued
The Algerian University faces current and future challenges
Today, October 31, 2022, the activities of the National Scientific Forum on “Current and Future Challenges of the Algerian University” concluded after two days of scientific interventions and workshops that were activated by professors, researchers, and specialized experts who came from several universities across the country. 
 The current and future challenges facing the Algerian university today formed the topic of the first national forum organized by the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar on October 30 and 31, 2022 at the invitation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The official opening of the national scientific demonstration was announced by the advisor to the Minister, Professor Kharfallah Mouloud, in the presence of the local authorities, headed by the governor of the state, Al-Saeed Akhrouf, central officials in the sector, professors from the university and from various universities in the country, as well as university students. 
In his welcoming speech to the attendees and university guests, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of El Oued, considered that this national scientific forum represents one of three important scientific events organized at the level of three universities chosen by the guardian ministry. It began on March 19, 2022 at the University of Oran II, then at the University of Guelma on May 8, 2022, and ended at the University of El Oued on October 30-31, 2022, coinciding with the celebrations of the sixty-eighth (68) anniversary of the outbreak of the liberation revolution; In the context of Algeria's celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of independence, which gives - as he said - this national scientific event a distinct scientific, pedagogical and educational character. 
The first official of the University of El Oued added that the national and international circumstance in which this event is being held requires the university to adapt to international developments and technological development to raise the challenges and enter the world of digitization and prepare the Algerian university to receive millions of students in the future, as it requires preparation from now to provide all logistical, human, structural and other capabilities. .
According to the head of the Scientific Committee, Professor Boubacar Mansour, the Algerian university faces great challenges to fulfill its obligations and overcome the various obstacles that stand as a stumbling block in the way of its development and progress and to be able to reserve a place for it in the world of those who possess leadership in the field of science and knowledge. Hence, he said, it was necessary to involve various professors and academic staff from the country’s universities and provide scientific interventions and workshops of a very high level.
The objectives of the National Forum on the Algerian University were represented in a number of points, including those mentioned in the program governing the scientific demonstration, the most prominent of which is the effective role of the Algerian University in serving national development and supporting the national economy, identifying the current and future challenges of the university, diagnosing opportunities and threats in the path of transformation of the Algerian university, and examining strengths and weaknesses. In the context of adapting to developments, the importance of the university’s role in producing scientific elites, studying the university’s regulatory legislation and its future, and other goals included in the forum’s work, which were distributed among several main axes around which the workshops and scientific interventions that were activated by the participating professors took place. 
Among these topics discussed by the participants, we can mention: the reality of governance and quality at the Algerian university; It is an important axis in which the quality of the teaching staff and activating its role in governance, university teaching curricula and academic curricula, and the problem of knowledge accumulation and governance in university administration and the digitization of the university in terms of foundations, contents and prospects were addressed, while the axis of scientific research and innovation focused on examining the relationship of scientific research to the economic and social environment, innovation and technological development. Securing the Algerian university within the framework of the globalization of education in terms of scientific competition, intellectual property, and the visibility of universities. 
The axis of the value and legal system of higher education also addressed the issue of organizational development of the university in terms of presenting a vision for the Algerian university towards the horizons of 2050, reforming the legal system of higher education, professional ethics and public morals, activating the social partner and its role in the reform process, and then the psychological and cultural dimension of the Algerian individual as an element in the development process. Organizational. Finally, the focus of the challenges of improving university life, in which interventions and workshops focused on reforming university services and challenges to improve the social conditions of university family members.
Recommendations of the National Forum workshops “Current and future challenges for the Algerian university”:
1- Recommendations of the Professional Ethics and University Ethics Workshop:
_It is necessary to accompany the components of the university family, including professors, students, and administrators, to make them aware of the dangers of scientific theft.
_Valuing various activities and works that fall within the framework of scientific research, such as experiences, studying files, etc.
_Imposing review and signature of the university ethics charter and the institution’s internal law on all institutions of the university family. 
_Widespread dissemination via the university institution’s websites of the University Professional Ethics Charter.
_The need to activate the role of scientific committees at the university level to combat scientific theft.
_Acquiring programs to combat scientific theft at the level of all university institutions.
_ The necessity of controlling the rights and duties of all components of the university family to prevent overlapping of powers and to ensure the smooth functioning of the university.
2- Recommendations of the Faculty Quality Workshop:
_ Improving standards programs for professors in content or duration. Periodic sessions are also held at the department level to discuss and implement this matter.
_ The necessity of training the university professor in pedagogy and skills.
_Strengthening the role of the pedagogical accompaniment committee and disseminating training to include old professors.
_The necessity of enhancing interaction in the educational process through in-person education. 
_Providing tools and supplies to facilitate distance education.
_Achieving coordination in preparing lessons between lecturers and directed works.
_ Emphasizing the importance of the teacher’s self-training.
_Developing a calendar within the program to train teachers.
_Emphasizing the necessity of providing an appropriate pedagogical climate.
_Emphasizing the importance of class and time management.
_ Framing short-term training sessions and directing them towards implementing a project developed by the college that is consistent with its needs.
_Appreciating the university’s orientation towards training professors in the English language and emphasizing the necessity of allocating short-term training abroad.
_Emphasizing that short-term internships focus on training or teaching.
_Emphasizing the role of the social and economic partner in serving scientific research.
_Emphasizing the activation of cooperation agreements between the university and its social and economic partners and following up on the extent of their commitment to implementing the terms of these agreements.
_Enhancing field training for students and emphasizing the necessity of structuring them. 
_Activating the terms of agreements concluded with social partners.
_Investing university research in serving the university.
3- Recommendations of the University Teaching Curricula Workshop: Courses and the Problem of Knowledge Accumulation
_Determine the minimum instructions that the student must control in each subject.
_The necessity of objective follow-up of the progress of lessons.
_Evaluating the educational pedagogical process purely without the intervention of any party.
_The necessity of identifying and unifying basic references at a national level while encouraging professors to collectively write pedagogically.
_Developing a portal for curricula and courses in each specialty.
_Developing a guide for teaching and evaluating students in the academic subject.
_The need for coordination between secondary and university education. 
_ The need to focus on specialists in curricula to avoid duplicating the contents of subjects in university educational tracks.
_Reconsidering the structure of educational materials 
_ The necessity of periodic and comprehensive evaluation of educational curricula.
_Unifying specializations at the master’s level.
4- Recommendations of the workshop on the relationship of scientific research to the economic and social environment:
– Establishing an electronic portal to link and enhance cooperation between the university and economic and social institutions.
– Activating agreements between the university and economic and social partners in the field of scientific research and developing mechanisms to ensure their periodic monitoring and evaluation. 
– Activating the office of linking between the university and the economic and social environment 
– Strengthening the role of national competencies and involving them in solving the problems raised, and preventing the use of foreign experts unless the expert is unable to do so or upon his request. 
– Directing scientific research interests to suit the needs of the economic and social environment. 
- Reconsidering the mechanisms for evaluating, auditing and arbitrating scientific research in terms of content and desired benefit 
– Valuing university outcomes based on the effective and beneficial results they provide to the economic and social environment in various fields. 
- The need to work on establishing multidisciplinary research laboratories 
– Updating training offers to suit the needs of the economic and social environment, as well as keeping pace with global developments
5- Recommendations of the workshop on the role of the internal social partner in reform:
- Creating an internal social partnership for the sector between the university and the professors’ and workers’ unions and student organizations. 
- Developing a national plan for mandatory and continuous training for all actors in institutions, including training in the legal, communication and organizational professional fields.
- Valuing and strengthening the role of the social partner as a proposing force to deal with the various current and future challenges of the Algerian University. 
– Activating the applicable laws in the field of establishing bodies related to the social partner.
– Updating and reviewing the laws related to the relationship between all actors in the social partnership.
– Providing the appropriate environment to ensure a successful partnership.
– Establishing a digital platform for social dialogue while ensuring follow-up and effectiveness. 
The statement is over
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