Wadi University is distinguished globally by Dr. Muhadda Ismail, who discovered a new type of blue bacteria (cyanobacteria).

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Wadi University is distinguished globally by Dr. Muhadda Ismail, who discovered a new type of blue bacteria (cyanobacteria).
Dr. Mohdat Ismail, Head of the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in El Oued, in collaboration with professors from the University of Madrid (Spain), was able to discover a new type of blue bacteria (cyanobacteria) that inhabits the soil and rocks of the Algerian desert (El Oued, El Meghair, Ouargla) and was named Pseudoacariocloris deserti after the region. The description was also corrected and registered on the global algae platform on November 23, 2023. This achievement is considered a continuation of the research work carried out by the professor during his stay in 2019 at the same university for a full year as part of a long-term internship granted to him by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
It is worth noting that these bacteria had recorded in the experiments conducted on them by the professor and the research team a degree of resistance to difficult climatic conditions greater than the typical bacteria (Crocodileopsis) used by international space agencies to conduct experiments on the possibility of living in outer space. This qualifies the newly discovered Algerian bacteria to be used in the future in similar experiments by space agencies.










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