The second stage of the PhD competition exam begins at Al Wadi University

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The second stage of the PhD competition exam begins at Al Wadi University
Today, February 11, 2023, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar El Oued, supervised the launch of the 2022/2023 doctoral competition in its second phase at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, and the Faculty of Technology.
The University Director inaugurated the beginning of the exam in the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdelmalek Zaatar, the administrative staff, the professors of the training team, and the Secretary-General of the Faculty. During his tour of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, the Director checked on the progress of the competition, accompanied by the Vice-Director of the University for Training in the Third Phase, Professor Boubaker Mansour, who began the launch of the doctoral competition exam, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Rahmani Ibrahim, the administrative staff of the Faculty, and the professors of the training team. The University Director inaugurated the exam for the second period in the Faculty of Technology, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Shamsa Ali, all the administrative staff of the Faculty, the professors of the training team, and the Secretary-General of the Faculty. The Vice-Director of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, inaugurated the competition in the same faculty on behalf of the Director in the first period of the exam.
The tour of the University President was distinguished by his presence at the envelope opening process and part of the question withdrawal process accompanied by the students taking the exam. He confirmed that the exam process is taking place in excellent conditions from the logistical, pedagogical and psychological point of view, as it was in its first phase for the colleges, the centers of the competition, thanking the university family of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, including deputies, deans, professors, employees and workers, for establishing high traditions in dealing with all students and guests of the University of El Oued.
According to the Vice-Rector of the University in charge of training in the third phase and scientific research, the total number of candidates for the doctoral competition at the University of El Oued this year reached 8,477 candidates distributed over 12 departments and 23 specializations, while the number of proposed positions reached 72 positions. The number of candidates for the competition is estimated at
The number of candidates in the Faculty of Islamic Sciences reached 1896, distributed among three departments: the Sharia Department with three specializations, with 1155 candidates; the Fundamentals of Religion Department with a single specialization in Islamic Call and Culture, with 455 candidates; the Islamic Civilization Department with a single specialization in Arabic Language and Quranic Studies, with 286 candidates; the Faculty of Science and Technology with 764 candidates; the Civil Engineering Department with a single specialization in Civil Engineering Materials, with 259 candidates; the Irrigation Department with three specializations: Urban Irrigation, with 273 candidates; the Irrigation Facilities Department with 135 candidates; and the Water and Environmental Sciences Department with 97 candidates; and in the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, with 1692 candidates; in the Environment and Ocean Department with a single specialization, with 634 candidates; and in the Biological Sciences Department with a specialization in Basic and Applied Toxicology, with 593 candidates; and in the Agricultural Sciences Department, 236 candidates with a specialization in Improving Plant Production and Sustainable Agriculture, and 229 candidates with a specialization in Soil and Water.

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