Translation Department...New Faculty of Arts and Languages at El Oued University

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Translation Department...New Faculty of Arts and Languages at El Oued University


The Faculty of Arts and Languages at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar benefited from a new department, the Translation Department, in addition to the five pedagogical departments of the college, as stated in the ministerial correspondence addressed to the University of the Valley from the General Directorate of Education and Training No. 430 dated June 12, 2023. 
According to the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, the new translation department was decided following the results of the meeting dedicated to restructuring held by the General Directorate of Education and Training at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on May 29, 2023.
The Dean of the College added that in addition to the Translation Department, the Department of Arabic Language and Literature was also divided a few days ago into two new departments, namely the Arabic Language Department and the Arabic Literature Department, bringing the number of pedagogical departments in the college to five departments, adding the French Language Department and the English Language Department that existed before.
The spokeswoman confirmed that these new departments came as a result of the great efforts and clear support of the university director, Professor Omar Farhati, in order to restructure the college and improve the quality of education and training, in addition to the efforts of the college family, as well as the project submitted by an elite group of college professors to establish the translation department due to its importance and the increasing desires of students to pursue this. Important specialization. 
The Dean of the College considered that the new departments that will begin their work starting from the next academic season 2023-2024 would improve productivity and raise the level of coordination, management, and respect for specializations, as well as reduce the burden on the three previous departments, in which the total number of students reached about 1,800 students and 83 professors. 
It is noteworthy that the Dean of the College, Professor Dalal Washan, is considered new to her position, as she was appointed in October 2022, where she developed - as she said - a work program based on effectiveness and efficiency according to a contemporary view that allows for raising the administrative level and the pedagogical and educational performance of the college’s professors and students.





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