Al Wadi University hosts the scientific symposium of the International Festival of Desert Tourism

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Al Wadi University hosts the scientific symposium of the International Festival of Desert Tourism

 Today, November 16, 2024, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - hosted in the large lecture hall Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah one of the activities of the International Festival of Desert Tourism, which is a scientific symposium entitled “Desert Tourism in Algeria, an International Dimension, Prospects and Challenges”, where the Inspector General of the Ministry of Tourism and Traditional Industry, Mr. Moussa Ben Thamer, representing the Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industry, accompanied by the Inspector General of the Wilaya of El Oued and the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised the opening of the scientific symposium. After listening to verses from the Holy Quran and standing for the national anthem, the university president opened the scientific symposium with a speech in which he welcomed the Inspector General, representing the Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industry, the Inspector General of the State, the Vice President of the State People's Assembly, and all the attendees from authorities, elected officials, ministry executives, the university family, and the media, recalling the many natural, economic, and cultural tourism assets that our beloved country has, as well as the role of the state and the recommendations of the President of the Republic in supporting tourism as an economic resource and an important area for creating sustainable development. Professor Omar Farhati, Director of El Oued University, also explained in his speech that the university is a partner and an important part of the locomotive of sustainable development in all sectors, and tourism is one of these areas. This was followed by a speech by the Inspector General of the State on behalf of the Governor, explaining the importance of desert tourism and what the city of a thousand domes and domes has to offer, and an intervention by the Secretary General of the Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industry on behalf of the Minister, thanking the University President and the entire university family, recalling the activities of the International Festival of Desert Tourism and the work of the scientific symposium and presenting their interventions. The scientific symposium also witnessed several interventions on three main axes: - The sector’s strategy for developing tourism - Mechanisms for promoting desert tourism - The international dimension of desert tourism.



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