Valley University Social Services distributes school bags

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Valley University Social Services distributes school bags
Since yesterday, September 18, 2022, the social services of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, and in an ongoing process until Thursday, September 22, 2022, began distributing school bag receipts for the benefit of the studying children of workers, employees, and professors of the University of the Valley.
This year, for the first time, social services adopted the use of digitization in the school bag file, and school bag receipts were distributed for the benefit of school-going children on the first day, for the benefit of 110 employees, with a financial cover exceeding 80 million centimes. On the second day, Monday, September 19, school bag receipts were distributed for the benefit of 150 employees, with a cover. Mali exceeded 100 million centimes, and this was stated by the Chairman of the Social Services Committee, Dr. Abdul Qader Hima.
The process of distributing school bag receipts proceeds in a distinctive manner through the use of the ticket mechanism, which ended crowding and priority problems. Social services also created all the material and logistical conditions for the benefit of the workers, employees, and teachers, as tips, cold water, and juices were provided to everyone present at the social services headquarters, and this tight organization in distributing school bag receipts. It was well received by the entire university family of the University of Chahid Hama Lakhdar.

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