Ceremony to distribute training certificates to the trained teachers, batch 2021/2022

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Ceremony to distribute training certificates to the trained teachers, batch 2021/2022
Today, May 15, 2023, the Vice-Rector of the University in charge of Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, accompanied by the Chairman of the Local Training Committee, Dr. Mohamed Saleh Jalab, and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages in charge of Studies, Dr. Nasser Dahda, supervised the ceremony of distributing the certificates of in-person and distance training to the professors trained in the 2022/2021 batch who spent a full year of in-person training at the university and distance training from the University of Constantine.
The ceremony, which was held in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Languages and Literature, was attended by the professors concerned from various faculties and specializations. On this occasion, the Vice-Rector of the University, the Chairman of the Local Training Committee, and the Vice-Dean for Studies delivered speeches in which they saluted the professors of the batch, noting the distinguished level of training they had obtained. The meeting was also an opportunity for everyone to exchange views on training and teaching affairs at the university.



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