Conclusion of the International Forum “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Challenges and Prospects” at the University of the Valley

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Conclusion of the International Forum “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution - Challenges and Prospects” at the University of the Valley

Today, December 13, 2023, the activities of the International Doctoral Forum were concluded after three days of scientific interventions, workshops, and competitions, which were activated by professors, researchers, specialized experts, and doctoral students who came from the host university and from several universities from inside and outside the country.
The closing ceremony was supervised by the University Rector, Professor Omar Farhati, in the presence of the forum’s participating guests from Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, the Sultanate of Oman, Jordan, Britain and France, in addition to his deputies, the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, the representatives of the Ministry’s General Directorate of Scientific Research, the deans of colleges, the Secretary General of the University, the university family, and professors. And doctoral students from sister Tunisia.
In his closing speech, the University Rector, on behalf of the university family, expressed his happiness with the qualitative and distinguished presence of elite researchers from various Arab countries, indicating that the doors of the university are open to all scientific statures, emphasizing the great interest in science and knowledge. He also noted the forum’s competitions, its formative dimensions, and its practical workshops, as well as the in-person meeting of border universities. Algerian-Tunisian within the framework of the (5+5) agreement, waiting for the Libyan universities to join the agreement in order to achieve academic unity for joint positive action. The university's first official also pointed out the outstanding performance at the forum to all the deans, university administrators, and students, considering that the university's capabilities and energies would raise the challenge for the year 2024, including patents, publications, the university's visibility, the university's ranking in international classifications, the dissemination of the English language in the university community, and others, so that we can make our university - As he said, it is an essential gateway to knowledge and science, noting the efforts of the General Directorate of Scientific Research to actively participate in this scientific event.
For his part, Mr. Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research, Professor Boubacar Mansour, in his capacity as Chairman of the Forum’s Organizing Committee, expressed his thanks to all the university officials contributing to this event, thanking Mr. University Chancellor for his tremendous efforts, and wishing everyone good luck and success. Before that, the heads of the scientific competitions committees gave introductory speeches about the competitions and their criteria before announcing the winners.
-Forum recommendations-
The recommendations drafting committee unanimously confirmed the success of the forum and reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
01- Ensuring the continuity of the forum by holding it periodically and expanding its spread
02- Integrating artificial intelligence standards into the charter of scientific research ethics to ensure that the required conditions in scientific research are met.
03- Seeking to establish a legal system that supports international cooperation to confront the risks resulting from the negative use of artificial intelligence.
04-The necessity of developing a national strategy to adopt artificial intelligence by supporting, encouraging and valuing innovative projects
05- Proposing the establishment of a General Directorate for Artificial Intelligence affiliated with the Presidency of the Republic in order to support it and enhance its role.
06 It is necessary to draw up a national strategy for training in fields related to artificial intelligence: big data, blockchain, the Internet of Things, etc., which will create jobs in the future.
07- Giving great importance to cybersecurity in order to protect the economy and society from inappropriate uses of artificial intelligence
08-The necessity of protecting the personal data of community members by enacting legal legislation and the necessary technical protection tools to avoid negative influence, polarization, and manipulation of individuals’ positions.
09-Develop an effective national information system capable of providing the necessary data to feed artificial intelligence and make it a national tool for construction
10- Ensure that legislation is put in place that limits unethical uses of artificial intelligence and its applications in a way that allows one to benefit from its advantages and avoid its drawbacks and risks.
11-Allocate research laboratories in artificial intelligence and support them with the necessary means and programs
12- The necessity of integrating courses related to artificial intelligence into all educational stages for the purpose of localization
13- Adapting artificial intelligence to support people of determination to achieve the principle of accessibility
14- Inviting experts in artificial intelligence and specialists in the field of Sharia and law to prepare a system that responds to the requirements of the times in this regard.
15- Investing the results of artificial intelligence in literary and linguistic research and the field of human and social studies in a way that serves the universality of knowledge.
16 allocating clubs for those interested in artificial intelligence at the national university level
17- Organizing a national competition sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education to value the best research on artificial intelligence and its applications
18- Paying attention to the field of scientific publishing in internationally classified and high-impact journals in order to improve the visibility of national universities and activate texts related to the payment of publishing dues to encourage researchers.
19-Allocating incentive prizes for the best articles published in the most prestigious international magazines.
20- Promoting English language teaching in accordance with international standards, supporting it with the necessary capabilities, and striving to expand its scope.
The event also witnessed the honoring of the winners with valuable prizes and gifts, while Professor Elias Boukrami, coming from Regence University in Britain, honored the Director of the Martyr Hama Lakhdar University - El Oued -






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