Organized by the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Valley, e-commerce and digitization are the focus of a scientific symposium

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Organized by the Entrepreneurship House at the University of the Valley, e-commerce and digitization are the focus of a scientific symposium

The Entrepreneurship House at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar in El Oued organized a scientific symposium on “E-commerce and Digitization in Emerging Institutions” in partnership with the Laboratory of Growth and Economic Development in the Arab Countries at the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences. Professor Dr. Mohamed Nasser Hamidatou, upon opening the symposium, touched on the inevitability of entry. There is a strong call for digitization and the generalization of its use in all fields because it has become a requirement to keep pace with global changes, especially in the economic fields. Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Lawi, Director of the Contracting House, pointed out the necessity of university students adopting these ideas and trying to embody them by transforming them into realistic projects, especially given the circumstances that the country and the world have gone through. During the Corona pandemic, there was a great need for such services through e-commerce. The guest of the University of the Valley, Professor Najat Ghalmi, an expert in digitization and e-commerce and the General Director of the Diyar Dzire Foundation, touched on e-commerce and the laws regulating it in Algeria, as well as the challenges it faces, in addition to payment methods. Electronic and installment sales in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia. She presented her own experience in this field and the distinction she achieved as a woman made the President of the Republic single her out with a special honour. Professor Salmi Idris intervened at Algeria Telecom and enriched the topic with his experience in the field. The doctors and professors who attended, in addition to the students who discussed The subject through the diversity of their questions and interventions according to their different specializations.
Professor Ghalmi was honored by the University of the Oued with the Medal of Excellence for her efforts. On the sidelines of the symposium, an agreement was signed between Dar Entrepreneurship and the Diyar Al-Dzayer Foundation, through which the students of the University of the Oued benefit from specialized training in various fields, especially the dissemination of entrepreneurial thought and entrepreneurship.
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