The Wali of El Oued State inaugurates the activities of the International Forum for Technology and Innovation for the Modernization of Desert Agriculture (TIMSA'24)

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The Wali of El Oued State inaugurates the activities of the International Forum for Technology and Innovation for the Modernization of Desert Agriculture (TIMSA'24)

 Today, November 20, 2024, the Wali of the Wilaya of El Oued El Arabi Bahloul supervised the launch of the activities of the International Technology and Innovation Forum for the Modernization of Desert Agriculture (TIMSA'24), organized by the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued on November 20 and 21, 2024 at the Golden Gazelle Complex, in the presence of the President of the Wilaya Council in the Yahya Benin District, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar-El Oued - Professor Omar Farhati, the Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, the former Minister of Agriculture Rachid Ben Issa, the Director of the University of Ouargla, Professor Tahar Halilat, the Director of the Higher School of Forestry in Khenchela, the Director of the Higher School of Professors in Ouargla, the Director of the National Institute of Soil and Irrigation in Algeria, and the family of the university city of vice-rectors of the university, deans of faculties, executives, professors, students, researchers, farmers and economic partners. After listening to verses from the Holy Quran and standing for the national anthem, the president of the forum, Professor Sofiane Sakkai, gave a speech introducing the forum, its themes and objectives, and the profound challenges facing the world regarding its food security. This was followed by a speech by Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, Director of the Higher School of Desert Agriculture, in which he welcomed the Wali and all the guests of the forum, introducing the school and the importance of scientific forums in developing desert agriculture, and that modernizing agriculture in desert areas is essential. The director of the University of El Oued, Professor Omar Farhati, gave a speech welcoming the Wali, wishing him success and thanking him for his presence in support of scientific research, which is the engine of development. He renewed his welcome to the guests of the forum and the attendees, recalling the strategy of the President of the Republic to develop agriculture and achieve no grain imports and self-sufficiency. He added that the university is a partner through research and innovation in order to address agricultural problems and achieve sustainable development. In his speech at the opening of the International Forum for Technology and Innovation for the Modernization of Desert Agriculture (TIMSA'24), the Wali of the State, Larbi Bahloul, welcomed the attendees and participants in the forum, its scientific committees and research workshops, indicating the importance of the agricultural sector and the directives of the President of the Republic to achieve food security, sustainable development and create permanent jobs, and the importance of linking academic research and field work. The Wali also urged the residents of the state and its farmers to continue and increase production yields in partnership with all institutions and sectors to ensure food security and protect our national economy, which is what the President of the Republic ordered, to announce the launch of the activities of the International Forum for Technology and Innovation for the Modernization of Desert Agriculture (TIMSA'24), organized by the Higher School of Desert Agriculture in El Oued on November 20 and 21, 2024 at the Ghazali Al-Dhahabi Complex. The work will start with a lecture by Professor Mohamed Khalifa on the method of irrigation using solar energy and integrated farms, and a lecture by Professor Boualem Remini focusing on oases, their importance and innovative methods. The forum included the conclusion of partnership and cooperation agreements between the Higher School of Desert Agriculture and a number of institutes and institutions attended by the Wali of the state, the acting President of the People's Council and the Director of the University of El Oued. The work of the forum (TIMSA'24) will last from November 20 to 21, 2024 at the Golden Gazelle Complex to discuss various issues and problems of desert agriculture and explore sustainable solutions that enhance agricultural development and provide food while reducing environmental risks, and highlight the importance of technology and innovation in modernizing desert agriculture through successful research and experiences presented by actors in the field of agriculture, researchers and experts from inside and outside the country. - The topics that will be studied and discussed by this global scientific event are summarized in five main axes, which are: 1. Soil and water management. 2. Innovation in animal sciences and aquaculture. 3. Approaches in botany. 4. Political, social and economic dimensions of sustainable agriculture. 5. Biotechnology innovations in the field of food agriculture. According to the president of the forum, Professor Sofiane Sekkai, more than 200 interventions were received from inside and outside the country, 180 of which were accepted for presentation during the event. To encourage researchers, especially young ones and those registered for a doctorate, an agreement was made with two high-level journals classified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in category “B” to publish the best research presented during this important scientific event. In parallel with the forum activities and to give dynamism to a specific people in the Wadi Souf region and the Sahara in general, three training workshops will be organized targeting farmers and investors in the agricultural sector, supervised by specialists and experts, and will deal with the following topics: horse breeding, beekeeping, and aquaculture.





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