Wadi University bids farewell to a student from the sisterly state of Niger after a distinguished educational career

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Wadi University bids farewell to a student from the sisterly state of Niger after a distinguished educational career

Today, Monday, November 11, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the Director of University Services, Mr. Jamal Quraisha, met with the international student Ibrahim Osman from the sisterly country of Niger, who completed his studies at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences, specializing in interpretation and Quranic sciences. The University Director celebrated and welcomed the international student, mentioning his distinguished academic career, offering the greetings of the University of El Oued to all international students and through him to our brothers from the sisterly country of Niger, and that the university welcomes and works on this international student movement.

The student Ibrahim Osman also extended special thanks to the University Director, the Director of University Services, and all the family of Wadi University, considering it his intellectual and scientific family, thanking all the efforts made for him and all the international students, whether in the research and pedagogical aspect or the residential aspect, as he has become fluent in Arabic, and during his educational career at Wadi University he completed memorizing the Holy Quran. In his farewell, the University Director thanked the international student, wishing him success in his academic and professional life.

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