The Director of Al Wadi University holds a technical and evaluation meeting with the owners of national research projects at the university

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The Director of Al Wadi University holds a technical and evaluation meeting with the owners of national research projects at the university

Today, Sunday, October 27, 2024, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, met with his deputies for scientific research, external relations, development and foresight, in the presence of the deans of the faculties, the Secretary-General of the University, and the research professors who are owners of national research projects at the University.

The University President opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees, recalling the importance of national research projects and thanking the professors, specialists and scientific research teams who ensured the success and acceptance of these important projects that touch on energy and food security and the level of research and science that the University of El Oued has reached. He gave the floor to his deputy in charge of scientific research, Professor Farhat Rahouma, who in turn gave an introduction to the projects.

For the owners of national research projects to present their projects and the progress of the various results, Professor Al-Jilani Ghamam presented a presentation on his research group’s project, which is the exploitation of hot water in agriculture, in partnership with ONID.

The importance of this project in solving many problems and what it achieves in food security and sustainable development

Professor Abdel Malek Attia also presented his research group’s project on how to exploit geothermal energy in poultry farming, a project that is considered an added value for development within energy security projects.

Professor Tayr Zuhair presented a project to diagnose faults in electric pumps at the water desalination plant level and explained the importance of the project in addressing the problems suffered by water desalination plants.

At the end of the meeting and after evaluating the projects, the University President stressed the effectiveness of these projects and their role in our nation’s food and energy security, and that the university, with all its scientific and research capabilities, is at the service and success of researchers and owners of national scientific projects that contribute to achieving sustainable development with national priorities, especially in the areas of food and energy security.

The University President also addressed a word of thanks to the attendees and the professors for their efforts, stressing that the University will remain a major supporter of scientific research and will always strive to provide researchers with everything they need to achieve their goals and embody these projects in their research aspect for publication in global databases.

He expressed his optimism about the future of scientific research at Wadi University and its vital role in achieving sustainable development in the country.

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