The Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates the central restaurant at the university campus in Al Nour neighborhood

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The Director of Al Wadi University inaugurates the central restaurant at the university campus in Al Nour neighborhood

Today, November 18, 2024, the Director of the Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, inaugurated the central restaurant in the Nour neighborhood in the city of El Oued, which is affiliated with the Soufia Bashir University Residence. The University Director was accompanied during the inauguration of the catering facility, which provides 500 meals daily, by the member of the National People's Assembly, Mr. Fathi Aoun, the Vice President of the Wilaya People's Assembly, Dr. Fares Belbasi, the Executive Directors, the Director of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, the Director of University Services, Mr. Jamal Quraisha, the Secretary General of the University, the Director of the Continuing Education Center in El Oued, the Deans of the Faculties and the executives of the university city family. On this occasion, the official delegation shared lunch with the students, and the University Director spoke with the students about the nature and quality of the meals provided and the accommodation conditions.


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