Wadi University, with the participation of national universities, is preparing for the national Hackathon competition

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Wadi University, with the participation of national universities, is preparing for the national Hackathon competition

Under the supervision of the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, the Vice-Director of the University for Scientific Research, Professor Rahouma Farhat, accompanied by the Vice-Director for External Relations, Dr. Farhat Mohamed Fouad, and the Director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, Professor Abdelkader Laouid, held a working session today, Tuesday, November 5, 2024, with representatives of the House of Artificial Intelligence of six national universities, namely the University of Tebessa, Khenchela, Biskra, Ouargla, Bejaia, and the University of Batna, to prepare for a major competition in the field of start-ups and artificial intelligence.

 During the meeting, it was agreed to organize a national Hackathon competition at Wadi University, which is an event that brings together programmers, developers, designers, and entrepreneurs to work together over a specific period of time with the aim of developing innovative solutions to intractable problems or challenges.

The national Hackathon competition, which will be held at Al Wadi University, will be announced soon.

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