Al Wadi University organizes a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and its Use Techniques in Software and Scientific Research”

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Al Wadi University organizes a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and its Use Techniques in Software and Scientific Research”

 In a move that reflects its constant pursuit of excellence and keeping pace with the latest technologies, the House of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar hosted, on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, a workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and its Use Techniques in Software and Scientific Research” presented by the international expert specializing in artificial intelligence and software, Engineer Hamza Al-Abbar, from the University of Knowledge in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The university director, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised the workshop, in the presence of his deputies for scientific research and pedagogy, deans of faculties, researchers, professors, students and employees. The director was accompanied at the start of the symposium by the director of the House of Artificial Intelligence, Professor Laouid Abdelkader, and Professor Zuhair Al-Tayr, who is responsible for the quality of the site at the university. In his opening speech, the university director welcomed the international expert, Engineer Hamza Al-Abbar, and all attendees, stressing the importance of this workshop in developing the skills of students and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, and encouraging them to use these technologies in their research and projects to contribute to the progress of the university and develop their research and scientific capabilities. He added that the university pays great attention to the field of artificial intelligence and seeks to provide various capabilities and support for students and researchers in this field, by organizing workshops and training courses and providing the necessary equipment and software. In his intervention on artificial intelligence and its use techniques in software and research, the international expert reviewed the most famous tools in artificial intelligence in various fields and how to use them intelligently in order to save time and accuracy in completing various tasks in all research and scientific fields. The workshop was greatly appreciated by the attendees, who expressed their benefit from the information and experiences provided by the international expert, and stressed the importance of continuing to learn and keep pace with developments in the field of artificial intelligence to apply it in various fields and keep pace with the development of the world.




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