An English language club for Valley University professors

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An English language club for Valley University professors
Today, November 28, 2023, a group of professors specialized in the English language at Hama Lakhdar University initiated the establishment of the “English Language Professors Club” during a session supervised by Professor Mekki Darraji, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, in the presence of the founding professors.
The establishment of the “English Language Club for Professors” comes within the framework of implementing the outcomes of the Regional Symposium for the East, which has been stressing the spread and promotion of the English language in the university community. And he took this club
The College's Legal and Political Transformations Laboratory is headquartered.
During the meeting, the Dean of the College pledged to provide all material and moral means to make this initiative a success, which will be added to the university’s records of success, and in implementation - as he said - of the instructions of the University President, who stresses on all occasions the importance of training and spreading the English language in the university community.
According to the club member and the person responsible for the English language dissemination program at the university, Mr. Nasr Dahda, there are several goals that the club wants to achieve, including enhancing the English language in the university community, developing the communication skills of professors, commemorating the International English Language Day, inviting international figures to activate seminars and meetings, and establishing cultural relations. With the American Cultural Center and the British Cultural Center in order to promote the English language in the university environment, as well as concluding partnership agreements with local and national bodies concerned with the English language and other activities that serve the club’s goals.









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