Global Entrepreneurship Week at Wadi University

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Global Entrepreneurship Week at Wadi University
In continuation of the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar - El Oued - organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Center at the university, meetings, workshops, lectures and answers to students’ questions were held.
- How do I get an innovative idea?
It was answered by Professor Dr. Mufid Abdel-Lawi in collaboration with Dr. Waheeba Khazazneh, in which he addressed the internal and external sources of ideas, focusing on the ideas we obtain from the industrial sector.
- How do I become an entrepreneur?
Dr. Adel Gharbi answered it with Dr. Ammar Mustafawi, and he touched on the characteristics of the entrepreneurial student, supporting his answers with real-life examples.
- How do I conduct a feasibility study for my project? Dr. Ammar Saeed answered this question in collaboration with Dr. Najia Salihi, in which he discussed the most important stages of the feasibility study from the financial, economic and marketing aspects.
-Where do I get funding?
NESDA responded to it, where Professor Fathi Stita, a framework at the National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship (NESDA), addressed the impact of entrepreneurship on university students, speaking at the same time about the procedures related to the financing process.
- What are the steps to open a commercial register?
It was answered by Dr. Abdul Raouf Halwaji, a framework at the National Center for Commercial Registry, El Oued Agency. He addressed the procedures related to opening a commercial registry and the practical steps that follow, highlighting the digitization process in the registration process and searching for activities.
- How do I manage my project financially and tax-wise? This question was answered by Professor Dr. Saleh Hamidato in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Messi. They discussed how to manage the institution from the financial and tax aspects, touching on how to benefit from tax incentives.
The event witnessed a rich discussion between lecturers and students.










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