They came to learn the Dhad language. Valley University receives students from Uzbekistan

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They came to learn the Dhad language. Valley University receives students from Uzbekistan

On Monday, May 1, 2023, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar received the first batch of Uzbek students coming from the Uzbek State University of World Languages to learn the Arabic language at the Faculty of Arts and Languages.
This educational and pedagogical process falls within the framework of the joint twinning agreement signed last February between the University of El Oued and the Uzbek State University of World Languages.
The Uzbek student delegation was received by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Professor Dalal Washan, along with the pedagogical staff consisting of her Deputy for Postgraduate Studies, Professor Youssef Al-Ayeb, and her Deputy for Studies, Dr. Nasser Dahda, as well as the Director of University Services, Jamal Quraisha, accompanied by the Head of the Monitoring and Coordination Department, Al-Mawladi Shushani, and the Director of the Host Residence, Baaji Abdul Rahman, in addition to the University’s Media and Communications Team.
The Uzbek student delegation consists of three first-year undergraduate students and their supervising professor, Dr. Ojil Bint Omar.  
This batch of Uzbek foreign students is the first exploratory batch to learn the Arabic language for a specific period before the end of the current academic season, and will be followed at the beginning of the next season by a second batch consisting of about 20 Uzbek students to learn the Arabic language and integrate with the college students within the framework of acquiring knowledge and communicating in the Arabic language. 
Upon entering the rooms wing of Saleh Hadda’s residence, the delegation was welcomed with dates and milk as an expression of hospitality. Afterwards, they were directed to their rooms and introduced to the various facilities of the residence wing. On this occasion, the students and the supervising professor expressed their happiness at the warm welcome and hospitality. They also expressed their eagerness to get to know more about the residence students and the university and integrate with them in order to practice communication and acquire the Arabic language. 
Throughout the duration of the stay, the student delegation will benefit from an intensive study program to learn Arabic for non-native speakers under the supervision of expert professors in this field at the College of Arts and Languages.
Last February, the University of El Oued signed a joint twinning agreement for cooperation in scientific research and student exchanges in the field of promoting and teaching the Arabic language. It was signed on behalf of the University of El Oued by the Director, Professor Omar Farhati, and on behalf of the Uzbek University by the Chargé d'Affaires, Dr. Abdul Januf Ali Sher.

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