Participation of professors from the University of El Oued in the Erasmus + training program at the University of Rouen, France

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Participation of professors from the University of El Oued in the Erasmus + training program at the University of Rouen, France
As part of the training session organized by the Erasmus + program, professors from the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar participated in the training on sustainable development and social responsibility, namely Professor Fares Issadi, Amar Zaabi, Saleh Kheshkhoush and Mr. Zakaria Kerchou. The training began on Monday, May 22, 2023 and will continue until Friday, May 26, 2023. The program includes several lectures, including a lecture entitled “13 Years of Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility at the University of Rouen” given by Professor Fabien Tomer. A visit to the university campus was also organized to see the various bodies related to sustainable development present at the University of Rouen, with explanations about them and the various stakeholders in achieving the set objectives, including the active participation of students in achieving the sustainable development goals at the university.
A general discussion panel was organized to answer the question of how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the various risks resulting from it, the proposed solutions and the strategies that must be put into practice.
The second day witnessed a lecture entitled “Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility in Training” given by Professor Fabian Tomer, as well as a lecture on climate change given by Camille Bruni.
In the evening, there were practical workshops that discussed the causes of climate change, its risks and its effects on the future of humanity.
Most of the interventions focused on ways to influence the culture of individuals and teach them behaviors that would contribute to preserving the environment and avoiding its dire effects.
The various organized events witnessed active participation by all attendees, which gave a good impression of the Algerian delegation and its awareness of the various threats facing the environment.






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