University of El Oued stands out at the Erasmus+ Media Day at Constantine 1 University

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University of El Oued stands out at the Erasmus+ Media Day at Constantine 1 University

✱Erasmus+ Info-Days 2024✱
Under the supervision of the Eastern Regional Symposium and in the presence of the Vice-Presidents of the Eastern Universities and the President of the National Erasmus+ Office, the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar participated with an important delegation represented by the Vice-Presidents of the University for Pedagogy, Professor Bashir Manai, and for Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, and Dr. Mohamed Fouad Farhat in charge of external relations and the Project Establishment Officer, Dr. Nasr Dahda, in the activities of the Erasmus+ Media Day hosted by the University of Constantine 1 on January 8, 2024.
The delegation of Wadi University presented, within the research discussion of the projects, its distinctive vision on the importance of strengthening international relations, exchanging academic expertise, and benefiting students and researchers from these projects in light of a scientific and research vision. Wadi University is considered one of the leading universities in the success of its researchers’ projects within Erasmus+.
The National Office Erasmus+ Algeria provided training courses for exchange projects.
                                                                                                                                                     personnel International Student and Staff Mobility
▸Virtual exchange projects.
Cooperative projects.
Capacity building projects in the areas of higher education (CBHE), vocational training (CBVET).
Erasmus Mundus design dimensions.





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