Erasmus+ Overview

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  Erasmus+ Overview

In Algeria, as in the partner countries concerned by the programme (Western Balkans, Eastern European countries, Southern Mediterranean countries, Russia and Central Asia), the National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO) assist the European Commission, the Executive Agency and local authorities in implementing the Erasmus+ programme in these countries, playing the role of a coordination centre between the actors involved in the Erasmus+ programme in the field of higher education. The National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO) also contribute to strengthening the effectiveness of the international dimension of the programme, enhancing its relevance and effectiveness and accompanying the parties involved. The office works with the relevant ministry within the framework of structural projects related to supporting higher education, with the category of students by guiding them in the procedures for obtaining grants and internships, with higher education institutions by following up on Erasmus+ programmes at the level of the institutions concerned, with the category of professors and staff participating in internships or special activities of John Mooney.
To view the list and addresses of the National Erasmus Place Offices (NEO), please click “here”.
Roles and tasks of National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO):
• Providing information on Erasmus+ activities available locally in the field of higher education (strengthening the international dimension of Erasmus+ in higher education)
• Providing support and assistance to those wishing to participate.
• Follow-up on the implementation of Erasmus+ projects.
• Coordination of the local team of experts specialized in higher education reform
• Follow-up of previous activities of the Tempus programme (2007-2013)
• Contributing to various studies and events.
• Supporting political dialogue in the field of higher education
• Ensure communication with local authorities and EU delegations;
• Follow up on political developments in the field of higher education at the local level.

Erasmus+ Program

The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support operations in the fields of education, training, youth and sport during the period 2014-2020.


Basic information about the program

4,000,000 beneficiaries

The Erasmus+ programme funds study, training, volunteering or teaching.

For the benefit of more than 4 million people

14.7 billion euros 

The Erasmus+ programme funds study, training, volunteering or teaching.

For the benefit of more than 4 million people

Erasmus+ Scholarships:

Foreign language support for persons benefiting from an exchange abroad.

Special support for people with special needs

Increased support for those from disadvantaged, rural and remote backgrounds

Considerable loans to help students finance their Master's studies, with a guarantee of repayment.

Erasmus+ funds the following activities:

Two million students participate in the program

135,000 students move between donor and partner countries in the Erasmus+ programme

20,000 loan for master's students

About 300,000 higher education sector employees benefit from training, internships and teaching at foreign universities.

25,000 Joint Master Scholarships (Erasmus Mundus Scholarships)

On the other hand, Erasmus+ finances:

25,000 strategic partnership projects between more than 125,000 higher education institutions, and external collaborators can also participate in this cooperation.

150 knowledge unions between 1500 higher education institutions and economic companies.

1000 projects to enhance the capacities of higher education institutions between the countries participating in the program and the partner countries.

Erasmus+ activities are divided as follows:

  • Travel for educational and training purposes
  • Cooperation in the field of education, training and youth.
  • Policy support in the higher education sector
  • The program also includes two special activities: John Money activities - sports activities

The current Erasmus+ programme replaces seven previous programmes.

-The programme of activities in the field of lifelong education and training (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig and Jean Monnet)

Youth in Activity Program

- Five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for cooperation with industrial countries)

- Sports.

Program donor countries and participating countries:

In the Erasmus+ programme, we can distinguish between:
• Programme donor countries, which are the countries belonging to the European Union (Spain, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, France, Finland, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary, Netherlands, Greece and Croatia)
• Countries contributing to funding the programme that are not members of the European Union, which are six countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Türkiye, Macedonia and Serbia).
• Participating countries from all over the world that benefit from the right to participate in some activities.
- There are a total of 34 countries that contribute through their national committees with the Executive Committee “Education, Audiovisual and Culture” EACEA to the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme.
The participating countries are distributed in different geographical regions, and Algeria is a participating country belonging to Region 3 called: Southern Mediterranean Countries.
– Funding opportunities are available through Erasmus+ for public and private institutions operating in the field of higher education and training. This concerns the international dimension of the Erasmus+ programme outside the European Union.

The activities that Algeria benefits from are as follows:

Main activity No. 1 (KA1): Movement of persons for educational and training purposes

This activity involves two parts:

  • International Credit Mobility (ICM) for students and higher education staff (professors and administrators).
  • Mobility within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme for training in joint master's offers.

Key Activity 2 (kA 2): Collaboration for Innovation and Sharing of Good Practices

In this activity we find:
• Competency enhancement programs in the field of higher education.
• Unification of knowledge.
• Sectoral alliances for the purpose of achieving qualitative competencies in the fields of education, training and youth.
• Strategic cooperation in the field of higher education (higher education institutions must provide a qualitative addition in order to benefit from funding)

Jean Monnet's activities:

Jean Monnet's activities support studies related to the European Union and pay particular attention to the European integration process.

Erasmus+ programme objectives:

The Erasmus+ programme contributes to the “Europe 2020 Strategy” for development, employment and social justice, as well as to the objectives of the strategic framework “Education and Training 2020”.
The Erasmus+ programme also aims to support sustainable development in the participating countries in the field of higher education and contribute to achieving the objectives of the “European Union Strategy for Youth”, which are:
- Openness to the world, as the European Union wants to encourage closer cooperation between higher education institutions in all countries of the world.
- Quality: The European Union wants to improve the quality and effectiveness of higher education and its activities in Europe.
- Innovation: Europe needs closer cooperation between institutions, companies and social partners to develop its creative capacities.


The effects and expected results of the Erasmus+ programme:

The European Union ensures that European funding has a direct impact on educational excellence.
Browse these two links for more information:


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