Local training course at the University of the Valley within the framework of the Algerian-European program ESAGOV 

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Local training course at the University of the Valley within the framework of the Algerian-European program ESAGOV 

Within the framework of the European ESAGOV program, the Vice-Rectorate of the University for External Relations organized on March 16, 2022 the first local training session in person for the benefit of professors and employees of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued- by the managers of this European training program.
 The session was opened by the Vice-Rector of the University in charge of External Relations, Professor Habib Qaddah, and the training was led by Dr. Miloudi Mounir, Dr. Fares Asaadi, Head of the Quality Cell at the University, and Dr. Atika Gargout. The first session focused on the process of defining and creating education indicators.
 This training course will continue until March 29, 2022, and at the end of the course, trainees will receive certificates of participation signed by the managers of the European ESAGOV programme.

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