The Director of the University of the Valley supervises the launch of extending the opening times of the Central Library to ten at night

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The Director of the University of the Valley supervises the launch of extending the opening times of the Central Library to ten at night
Today, October 1, 2023, the Rector of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, accompanied by the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Shawki Mudallal, supervised the launch of work by extending the new opening hours of the Central Library until ten o’clock (22:00) at night.
The process of extending the new timing is an embodiment of the new ministerial instruction related to extending the opening times of higher education institutions’ facilities until ten o’clock at night to ensure that the higher education institution remains in a state of continuous activity in accordance with what is required by the specificity of university life, especially the pedagogical and research aspect.
The University Rector received comprehensive explanations from the Director of the Central Library, Ms. Jabo Adila, about the program prepared for this operation and the shift staff dedicated to ensuring that the Central Library is open until ten at night. The University Rector, accompanied by the University Secretary General, inspected the reading hall, the bibliographic research hall, and the lending bank. He also spoke with some students involved in the library about the circumstances of their pedagogical activity in the library. The university director stressed to the library director and the administrative staff working with her the necessity of respecting the new timing and carrying out a wide media campaign for the students so that they can benefit from the library space according to this new timing, which is in addition to the normal daylight hours, which is considered - as he said - a new gain for the university. Pointing out the possibility of expanding it to laboratories and colleges.
It should be noted that the central library of the University of the Valley includes more than 18 thousand members and about 15 thousand titles, with a total of 35 thousand copies of reference literature and 841 new titles in various specializations that entered the library last September, in addition to the presence of more than 500 doctoral theses, 398 master’s theses, and 4410 Master's notes and 250 academic journals



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