Meeting to organize the feeding process for external students and employees of Wadi University

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Meeting to organize the feeding process for external students and employees of Wadi University
Today, October 4, the Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised a coordination meeting to organize the catering process in the university restaurants for external students and university employees, including administrators and professors.
The meeting was attended by the Director of University Services, the Secretary General of the University, and the social partners represented by the Head of the State Office of the National Independent Union of Higher Education Employees, the Coordinator of the National Council of Higher Education Professors, University of El Oued Branch, the Coordinator of the Local Branch of University Professors, and the Coordinator of the Local Branch of the General Union of Algerian Workers, University.
During the meeting, the University President stressed the importance that the University attaches to the process of feeding external students and employees, including administrators and professors, praising the efforts made by the Director of University Services and the cadres of his directorate to improve the service aspect for students and coordinate work with the university administration so that the pedagogical and service aspects are in harmony and serve the student. The parties present intervened to enrich the meeting points and present some suggestions. The social partner also praised the fruitful work and clear effort made by the university administration, led by the University President and the Director of University Services.
The meeting resulted in regulating the process of feeding external students and university employees according to the minutes of the meeting signed by the university president and the director of university services. The process of feeding students and employees was organized according to their colleges according to the following schedule:
1) For external students:
 (Female) - Hami Masouda University Residence (Faculty of Law + Faculty of Economics)
(Female) - Sofia Bashir University Residence (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences + Faculty of Islamic Sciences)
(Female) - Saudi Bashir University Residence (Medical Annex + College of Natural and Life Sciences + College of Technology)
(Female) - Hadda Saleh University Residence (Faculty of Technology + Faculty of Exact Sciences + Faculty of Arts and Languages + Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences + Medical Annex)
(Males) - University Residence Moussaoui Mabrouk (Faculty of Technology + Faculty of Exact Sciences + Faculty of Arts and Languages + Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences + Medical Annex)
(Males) - Belhadi Abdelkader University Residence (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences + Faculty of Economics + Faculty of Law)
2) For employees (administrative and professors):
After being included in the digital platform, university employees will be distributed according to the following schedule:
(Males) – Moussaoui Mabrouk University Residence (Faculty of Technology + Faculty of Exact Sciences + Faculty of Arts and Languages + Central Administration Staff)
(Males) - Belhadi Abdelkader University Residence (Faculty of Law + Faculty of Economics + Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences + Faculty of Social and Human Sciences + Faculty of Islamic Sciences)
(Female) - Hami Masouda University Residence (Faculty of Law + Faculty of Economics + Central Administration)
(Female) - Sofia Bashir University Residence (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences + Faculty of Islamic Sciences)
(Female) - Saudi Bashir University Residence (College of Natural and Life Sciences + College of Technology)
(Female) - Hadda Saleh University Residence (Faculty of Arts and Languages + Faculty of Exact Sciences)









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