Wadi University Director supervises the first semester evaluation meeting

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Wadi University Director supervises the first semester evaluation meeting

Today, January 16, 2024, Professor Omar Farhati, Director of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, supervised an evaluation meeting of the pedagogical activities for the first semester of the current academic year.
The meeting, which was held in the Grand Lecture Hall, was attended by the deans of the faculties, their deputies, the director of the medical annex, the secretaries-general, the heads of departments, the person in charge of promoting English language teaching at the university, the person in charge of distance learning, and the head of the network service.
The University President was accompanied in this meeting by his deputies: for pedagogy, in charge of the local committee for training in the first and second levels and certificates, in charge of training in the third level and scientific research, in charge of external relations, in charge of development and foresight, and the Secretary General of the University.
In his opening speech, the university president stressed the importance of evaluating the points included in the agenda and raising various concerns related to pedagogical affairs, especially the first semester exams, and presenting some points to benefit from them. He stressed the need to respect the smallest details related to the pedagogical calendar and discipline and to address the recorded irregularities in order to prepare for the second semester, which begins on Sunday, January 21.
The meeting included the study of the following agenda:
1- Evaluation of the first semester exams.
2- The start of the second semester lessons.
3. Presentation on the digitization project.
4. Presentation on promoting the use of English language.
5. Presentation on distance education.
6. Presentation on continuous training.
7. Preparing for a doctorate.
8. Miscellaneous.
On this occasion, the formation of the University Continuing Education Committee was announced, headed by the Vice-Rector for Pedagogy, the Vice-Deans for Studies, two research professors, and two engineers from the Systems and Networks Department.
The floor was opened for discussion by representatives of the concerned parties, each in his own capacity, to express opinions, make observations and submit suggestions on the items included in the agenda.






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