The National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, University of Oued Branch & FNESR_ UGTA concludes the football tournament.

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The National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, University of Oued Branch FNESR_UGTA concludes the football tournament.

The National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar branch - El Oued - concluded the football sports tournament on the evening of 05/09/2022, whose activities were held between the colleges and university employees, where the closing match took place between the sports team of the central administration and the sports team of the Faculty of Economics, where the central administration team won the final in an atmosphere of high sportsmanship.
On this occasion, the University Director, Professor Omar Farhati, gave a speech at the ceremony honoring the two teams and thanked all the athletes and all the attendees, especially the guests of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar, the State Secretary of the General Union of Algerian Workers, Mr. Hamida Debili, and the member of the National Office of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research FNESR_ UGTA, Dr. Nimer Muhammad Al-Khatib, representing the Secretary-General of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Amarna Masoud.
And in In his speech, the university president praised the spirit of solidarity and brotherhood among the members of the university family and all those in charge and participating in this session, calling on everyone to embody the slogan of this year's Labor Day celebrations, "Knowledge is a message and Algeria is a trust." The Secretary-General of the General Union of Algerian Workers also gave a speech in which he praised the values of brotherhood among all university workers and members, thanking the director for all his efforts to advance the university, which has achieved great successes and gains for the region and our beloved country. The representative of the Secretary-General of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research also presented a message from Professor Dr. Amarna Masoud, through which he conveyed his greetings to the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar - El Oued - and to all the university family and to all members of the union branch of the National Federation of Higher Education and Scientific Research at El Oued University and its Secretary, Dr. Kadiri Abdel Karim, on the occasion of Labor Day celebrations, May 1, 2022, thanking everyone for their dedication to serving the Algerian university.
And with great activation from Distinguished unionist and athlete Dr. Shawky Qaddadra distributed honors to all sports teams, and the sports team of the Institute of Islamic Sciences received the Sportsmanship Medal. The University Director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, presented the tournament cup to the winning team, the Central Administration Team. The team captain, Brother Muhammad Atatfa, received the cup in an atmosphere of joy and love among everyone, and their motto was “Knowledge is a Message and Algeria is a Trust.”
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