National Forum “The Effectiveness of Public Procurement Control in Algerian Legislation” at El Oued University 

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National Forum “The Effectiveness of Public Procurement Control in Algerian Legislation” at El Oued University 

On Sunday, December 18, 2022, the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar organized a national forum entitled “The Effectiveness of Oversight of Public Procurement in Algerian Legislation.”
 In cooperation with the Laboratory of Public Policies and Public Service Improvement in Algeria, the Laboratory of International Legal Transformations and their Impact on Algerian Legislation, and the PRFU Research Team, entitled: The Public Procurement System between National and Foreign Legislation.
The opening of the forum was supervised on behalf of the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Mekki Al-Daraji.
 The forum was attended by professors from different states, as well as a group of college students.
The beginning was with a welcoming speech by the Dean of the College, then Mr. Jawadi Elias, Head of the Scientific Committee of the Forum, explained the problem of the Forum and the most important topics that will be discussed and debated.
This national forum aimed to achieve a number of objectives, the most important of which is obligating the administration to adopt specific methods related to concluding contracts, and subjecting them to precise and diverse oversight with the aim of rationalizing public expenditures, and reducing negative behaviors as much as possible. To achieve these objectives, the interventions, which amounted to about 50 interventions, were distributed across four main axes: oversight at the level of the administration and public institutions, oversight of financial bodies representing the Minister of Finance, external oversight of public contracts, and oversight of the Audit Board of public contracts.
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