University of El Oued organizes an international forum on the memory of the massacres of May 8, 1945

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University of El Oued organizes an international forum on the memory of the massacres of May 8, 1945

The Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar-El Oued- organized this morning, 05/08/2022, and will continue for two days, in coordination with the Research Laboratory for the Economic and Social History of Algeria and the Research Group of Algerian Exiles on the Island of Saint Marguerite (1843-1880).
An international symposium on Algerian exiles during the colonial period (1830-1854) via Google Meet technology, chaired by the university president, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, the director of the symposium, Professor Dr. Mohamed El-Saeed Aqib, and the head of the scientific committee, Dr. Othman Zaqb.
The forum was opened by the Dean of the College, Dr. Ammar Ghraisa, on behalf of the University Director, Professor Dr. Omar Farhati, who explained the importance of celebrating the second anniversary of the National Memory Day and the importance of commemorating the massacres of May 8, 1945, which indicate the brutality of the usurping French colonialism. The Dean focused on the efforts of the University and the instructions of the Director on activating historical research in the field of memory, and that 77 years of the history of massacres will not make us forget the horror of colonialism against a defenseless people who wanted their right to life and freedom.
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