Erasmus+ Scholarship at Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași

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Erasmus+ Scholarship for University 

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași

Al Wadi University received an offer from Gheorghe Asachi Technical University (Romania) Faculty of Technology, which is a fully funded scholarship to study within the framework of the student exchange +Erasmus and the professors category in technical specializations:
Student category:
 Required specializations:
Technical specializations:
Available on site:
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi (

Study duration: 2 months

PhD: Starting from the second year

Required files for students:

- Certificate of registration for the current year 

- Certificate of ranking in the batch (05 years Master)

- Motivational letter in English

- Letter of recommendation in English  

- Research plan for English.

- Certificate of proficiency in the English language, at least (B2) 

    Required documents:

  1. CV in English 
  2. Certificate of proficiency in the language of the receiving country, if any (Romanian) 
  3. Copy of passport 
  • Certificate proving limited income for low-income earners (salary or unemployment statement for the guardian)  
  • For people with special needs, a certificate proving their status 
  • List of scientific publications, if any. 
  •   Information form (attached to the advertisement) 
  • Important note:
  • Electronic copy of the file (each document separately with the name on a CD in PDF format)

Professors category: 

Duration: 6 days 

- Scholarships are directed to professors of technical specializations.

  Required files for professors: 

– CV + List of scientific publications (in English)

- Motivational letter in English 

- Teaching content 

- Certificate of proficiency in English or the language of the receiving country 

- Information form (attached to the advertisement)


  • Important dates:
    • Files must be submitted to the Vice-Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research or the Institute before January 4, 2022.
    • Initial admission is at the level of Wadi University. 
    • Final acceptance by the receiving university

    note : 

    • After initial acceptance, students are required to complete a Learning Agreement document that will be sent to you later after you are selected.
    •  And from the professors Mobility Agreement will be sent to you later after you are selected 
    • University website to learn about the scholarship and the courses offered: 
    •  Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi (

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