Scholarship to the University of Riga, Latvia, for students

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Scholarship to the University of Riga, Latvia, for students

In the framework of Erasmus+ KA 171 program, The University of Eloued has announced a Mobility for Master 2 and PhD students to Riga Technical University. Latvia
1-The application covers the following specialties :
1-Business & Administration
2-Information and Communication Technologies
3-Engineering and Engineering Trades
2-Required documents:


2-Copy of passport

3-Transcripts ( Bachelor +M1 transcripts For Master 2 students / Bachelor +M1+M2 Transcripts for PhD students)

3-English certificate level (minimum B2)

 4-Motivation Letter 

5-Inscription Certificate

6-Research Plan



    • Acceptance Average (Students should have at least 12.5 in general average) 
    • Nominated students will be notified by the RTU Erasmus+ coordinator to complete the RTU online application  
    •    Candidates will submit all necessary supporting documents in the online application platform   
    • Conditionally approved students will be notified and interviewed by RTU  
    • Successful candidates will be given instructions to prepare their Learning Agreement in cooperation with the home institution’s Erasmus + coordinator
Registration Link :


4-Deadline: 30/09/2023






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