Offering Hongrois bourses

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Offering Hongrois bourses

 - The Ministry of the Senior Institution and the Scientific Recruitment is destinataire d'une bourse au titre de la university 2025-2026, émanant du Hongrois.

– This offer concerns The major promotional students Inscriptions on the year of a license (L3) souhaitant before a Master’s degree and other inscrits on the year of a Master’s (M2) souhaitant on preparation for a PhD, and replacing the academic critères in a residential training. l'étranger

This program will drop into the October bourse from the Hongroise part and the final selection is from the Hongroise part

Call for Master Candidate*

Call for doctoral candidacy*

:The candidature that comes with this suit

1- Online Candidature : All information about relatives is available for you to consult on the Hong Kong goverment web page: , the introduction of candidatures in the line is fixed at home 15 January 2025

2- File entry: After the candidature in the line, the students are invited to remove any candidacy from their facilities.

- For the constitution du dossier: Please check the files to control any of these difficult things*

:Documents relating to the constitution of the candidature document*

Fiche de candidature à une bourse en Hongrie 2025-2026*

Attestation Major*

Attestation Etudiant X étoiles*

Fiche de control dossier – Candidature pour Master*

Control information – Candidature for PhD*

File Excel: Replace with Facultés*

:Procédure de dépôt de dossier de candidature

The candidacy dossiers are used to remove the facultés*

Dernier délai de transmission Scanners of candidatures (CD) By the facilities of the Deputy Rector of External Relationships are fixed by: 02 February 2025 at 12:00*

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