Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities at Al Wadi University organizes a closing ceremony in honor of the club’s graduates and their companions

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Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities at Al Wadi University organizes a closing ceremony in honor of the club’s graduates and their companions


Today, June 21, 2023, the Basmat Amal Club for People with High Abilities organized a closing ceremony in Hall “C” of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Martyr Hamou Lakhdar in honor of the club’s graduates, in the presence of the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, the Vice President of the University in charge of External Relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, the Vice President of the University in charge of Scientific Research, Professor Boubaker Mansour, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Dr. Ammar Ghraissa, the Secretary-General of the Faculty, representatives of the Sub-Directorate of Activities, and the Director of the Psychological Assistance Center.
In his speech, the university director welcomed the attendees and praised the efforts made by the active club headed by student Khemisti Ashab and its effectiveness throughout many seasons, especially this season distinguished by its local achievements, including a training course in the Braille language, the cultural, scientific and sports week, field and national visits, and the participation of the Basmat Amal Club in a training day for the National Institute for Educational Research, and its participation in the state of Djelfa with nine first places and others. The director indicated that we are all in the service of this category that is dear to our hearts and wished them all success and prosperity. The Dean of the College of Social and Human Sciences expressed his happiness to attend the ceremony, and praised this group that demonstrated high capabilities at the university and community levels. The official of the Basmat Amal Club gave a speech in which he expressed his thanks to the University President, Professor Omar Farhati, whom he considers a father, an older brother, and a permanent supporter whom we always find with us and his support for all the club’s activities and for all his efforts made to advance the university to the highest ranks. He praised the efforts of the Dean of the College, the Secretary-General of the College, and the entire university family for standing with the club throughout the season and for their support for it.
At the end of the ceremony, the club members were honored by the university director in an atmosphere in which the feelings of all attendees were mixed with the strength of hope and love for our students with high aspirations.


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