Technical days to establish a pole of excellence for artificial intelligence applications in desert agriculture at El Oued University

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Technical days to establish a pole of excellence for artificial intelligence applications in desert agriculture at El Oued University 

Today, February 25, the Director of the University of Martyr Hama Lakhdar, Professor Omar Farhati, supervised in the discussion hall of the Faculty of Economics, accompanied by his Deputy for External Relations, Professor Qaddah Al-Habib, and the Dean of the Faculty of Exact Sciences, Professor Abdelwahab Mansour, the opening of the technical days on the creation of a pole of excellence for artificial intelligence applications in desert agriculture at the University of El Oued, in the presence of Professor Mokhtar Salami, Central Director of the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRT), and the directors of the National Higher Schools of Desert Agriculture in El Oued and Adrar, Professors Slimani Nour Eddine and Abdelkader Ouadou, and Mohamed Brakbih, Director of the Research Unit in Agriculture INRA in Touggourt, and professors representing the CRSTRA Research Center and the Director of the University’s Incubator and Entrepreneurship House, and a number of professors, researchers, and laboratory directors from inside and outside the country, and a number of investors in agriculture, economic institutions, and representatives of public administration bodies.
The technical days of artificial intelligence witnessed the participation of a delegation from the University of Paris East (UPEC), specialists in artificial intelligence in its agricultural field. Through videoconferencing technology, Professor Abdel Hamid Malouk from the University of Paris gave a framing intervention on artificial intelligence and its uses in desert agriculture.
The technical days organized at the University of El Oued aim to establish a research pole of excellence dedicated to artificial intelligence applications in desert agriculture in order to activate the scientific aspect and exploit research capabilities for the benefit of the region in the field of desert agriculture, improve production and productivity, and achieve the optimal return on desert resources in order to achieve comprehensive food security.
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